On-site facilities
Our state-of-the-art food innovation facility is equipped with specialized labs for fermentation, food packaging, and product development, along with advanced processing equipment like retorts, microwave dryers, and ultrasonication setups.
Facilities at FBIC
8,500 square feet of novel equipment and innovation bays available for lease to small- and mid-sized companies to conduct industry-owned research. We are currently booking time on equipment and innovation bay spaces for 2025Q4 – Oct-Dec 2025. If you have an inquiry, email info.fbic@ubc.ca.
Hyperbaric High Pressure Processing Unit (55 L/cycle)
For non-thermal processing of food products, aimed at improving the long-term nutritional profile and quality of food, and at reducing food waste. Can produce upto 100 kg/hr of high pressure pasteurized foods and beverages.
Nuwave Microwave-Vacuum Dehydration Unit (50 kW)
This will enable advancements in the preservation of fruits and vegetables using dehydrofreezing, and other novel drying approaches. Can produce upto 25 kg/hr of dehydrated products.
FPS Individual Quick Freezing Unit (100 kg/hr)
Another piece of equipment that, along with the Microwave-Vacuum Dehydration Unit, will allow research and development into drying and preserving fruits and vegetables. Can produce upto 100 kg/hr of frozen food products.
Supercritical fluid extractor (2×20 L)
Enables the extraction of novel nutraceutical compounds using non-toxic solvents.
Three Innovation Bays
Three state-of-the-art commercial kitchens that can be rented by food entrepreneurs for product development innovations.
Industrial Fermentation Lab
Equipped with a 1000 L/batch Specific Mechanical Microbrewery, our fermentation lab facilitates diverse projects – from large-scale brewing experiments to the development of innovative fermented products.
Pre-Processing Lab
Our Food Preparation Laboratory includes large-scale grinding, chopping, juicing, and blanching equipment to acquaint our students with large-scale food processing, formulating recipes, and food product development.
Food Process Engineering Lab
The Processing Lab at our food innovation facility, featuring a Food Processing Pilot Plant equipped with advanced tools like a 3D food printer, retort, pasteurizer, and various dryers, alongside an Advanced Non-Thermal Processing Laboratory with pulsed light and cold plasma equipment, enables a wide range of projects. From innovative food manufacturing processes to research in non-thermal technologies, the lab facilitates the creation of novel food products and the exploration of cutting-edge processing methods.
Novel Food Packaging Lab
The next generation of food packaging starts here. Our Novel Packaging Lab supports projects and investigations into sustainable material upcycling, plant-based product development, shelf-life testing and food labeling.
Cooler and Freezer Room
Access to industrial-grade refrigeration equipment to keep your next big food idea fresh.
Other facilities from UBC LFS

Food processing engineering lab (FPEL)
Focuses on developing new and innovative food processing technologies to enhance food quality and safety.

FNH Sensory Labs
Our Food, Nutrition, and Health research facility boasts a 14-panel, state-of-the-art sensory lab complete with a training-ready boardroom and a culinary laboratory for preparing food samples.

Analytical Core Facility
Quantitative and qualitative small molecule analysis for product development, flavour and perfume analysis, and sensory studies.